Friday, September 4, 2009

direction in painting III.

My dedication to taking my paintings has finally landed me in Advanced Painting. The class is taught by Lance Winn and I have been waiting all of my years to have him for a class. I also finally have a studio in Taylor, one of the art department buildings on campus. I share with Justin and Sammi, it's going to be a great time. What I like best of all is that this is a self-directed class. No more forced assignments or dimensions. We will be writing a paper proposing our ideas, direction, and goals as to how  much we project to finish. I'm gathering my ideas at the moment. They are a bit scattered - at least too much for me to investigate this semester. But I am sure I will end up doing some things in between naturefacts, fashion, and other found objects...

A sketch of a photo shoot idea.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    i'm your 6th reader... hope you're happy. :DD
    i like your blog. you're very creativ.
    sorry for my bad english. i'm from germany.

    lovely greetings ;)
