Monday, March 29, 2010

first impressions of JAPAN!

I am here now in Japan! It's so awesome! Everything is so different. Japan in general is very clean, safe feeling, people are very polite and respectful and much quieter, you always bow to people and they bow to you (its like a wave or hand shake) there is a lot of flowers and trees and water and nature. everyone dresses a lot better, you never see sweats or people looking like bums. everyone is dressed professional or fashionable. Tons of people get around on bikes, cars drive on the left, green lights tweet like birds or play little jingles. there are little cute animals on most of the signs, advertisements, food packaging. You dont wear your shoes onto the floor in the hotel or dorm. there is a lot of modern geometric architecture mixed in with traditional.

this is the northern most edge of alaska! we also flew over the arctic ocean, siberia, russia, and the bering sea!
cuteness is everywhere!
remember to take your shoes off.
the view from justin's dorm balcony.
a lunch we cooked, oishii!
hanami! the festival for cherry blossom viewing, families and friends go to the park in the evening and bring food and drinks and just have a good time together. when it gets dark they light up the trees.
so fun!

japanese alice in wonderland!

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