Monday, October 5, 2009

spring 2008.

The brief for our current Illustration project is to choose a song that has no lyrics and illustrate the experience of the sound, beat, rhythm etc. My song of choice is "Spring 2008" by Architecture in Helsinki. It's a pretty magical song, like your are hopping from tree to tree in an enchanted forest. My current challenge is to figure out how to make something look sequential but not flat, how can you make the viewer enter the dimension of your song and transcend through the flat painting/drawing, and what is between 2D and 3D? It's gonna take some working out... but I have great inspiration from their album work and photoshoots. I am simultaneously thinking about candy, Never Never Land, tribal beats and dances, Fantasia, The Land Before Time, Bambi, rainbows, and woodgrain.

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